Terrible! very disappointing.我們被安排住在一幢兩層高一共四間房的建築物(Rm.1-4)內裏設施簡陋,枕頭和毛巾有異味,冷熱水供應非常不穩定,時冷時熱(水熱的時候,是非常熱,但無法調較適合的水溫),滿地蟲蟻,毛巾和床鋪殘舊,都呈灰白色,十分不整潔。我們以為住進了他們的員工宿舍。因我們曾進入位於旁邊的獨立別墅視察,裏面的設施和我們住的房間簡直天淵之別。所以我們有被騙的感覺,是一次極之不愉快的經歷。
Room had normal facilities but lacking in some details.
Internet service was not ideal.
Location a problem only because of the terrible state of the footpaths leading to town making walking difficult and dangerous but the applies to the whole city of Ubud.
Our problem was not with the premises but with the broken down/inadequate tourism and public infrastructure of the city.