Weekly Hotel Deals to Top Destinations

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Popular for a reason! See and shop our picks for this season's top escapes, ready to explore at our best prices of the season. For all our destination deals, see below. View Details

Best Weekly Hotel Deals to Top Destinations

This is where you will find the best weekly hotel deals on top destinations in Taiwan and around the world. Get at least 10% off on select hotels above. You’ll have to act fast because we update these weekly hotel offers every 7 days! Be sure to check out all of our package deals, or head over to our main flights page; you might find something there that you won’t find here. Also, you should look at our unreal deals.

How to Save Money When Traveling to the Most Popular Destinations

Jetting off for an unforgettable getaway doesn’t have to mean splashing huge amounts of cash. At Expedia, years of experience have made us travel experts, so we know the best destinations to visit. Whether cities, beaches, historic towns, or island getaways, the best way to save money on vacations is to stay updated on the latest deals. These weekly, heavily discounted deals on the best places to travel might even inspire your next trip, so check back frequently to find new hotel deals every week.

Not weekly stays, weekly deals

Top destination deals on this page are refreshed every week. These are not extended weekly hotel stay deals; “weekly" means the page is updated at weekly intervals. How long you choose to stay might be up to you, or it may be part of the offer you find here. The purpose of this page is to cater to the casual browser at the very beginning of travel planning, or to travelers who are ready to leap onto the next most convenient flight to a dream location hotel offer.

The Experiences You Can Expect

Thanks to our tempting weekly deals on the most popular destinations, you’ll have your choice of travel experiences to choose from. These include:

  • Urban getaways: where you can seek out top restaurants, hip neighborhoods and world-class shopping in places like Tokyo or Osaka
  • Beach getaways: letting you relax on the sands at luxury resorts on the cheap. Think Da Nang or Koh Samui
  • Cultural getaways: leading you to explore iconic ruins and hidden-away historic gems like those in Okinawa

There are all kinds of escapes on offer, but the one thing they have in common is they’ll be at least 10% cheaper than before. Check back here and you might discover deals to Bangkok, Hong Kong, or Seoul . Browse on, and you’ll soon be ready to pack that passport and head off to the most popular destinations this year and beyond.

Terms and Conditions

Book by Sunday 23:59 [GMT + 8].

Prices displayed are for stays on the specific dates shown.

Prices displayed include promotional discounts referred to – Discounts are applied to the standard rate of selected hotels (excluding applicable taxes and other fees), as determined and supplied by the hotels.

Hotel prices displayed are per room per stay based on the cheapest double room available, and exclude taxes and fees.

Prices are updated regularly and are accurate when published.

Prices displayed are for stays on the specific dates shown.

Blackout periods may apply. Please check individual hotel or airline for details.

Offers are subject to limited availability and may be discontinued without notice. Please click through to individual deals to confirm prices, availability and applicable terms and conditions for those deals.