Picture 1 for Activity Malta: Comino, Blue Lagoon & Gozo - 2 Island Boat Cruise
Picture 13 for Activity Malta: Comino, Blue Lagoon & Gozo - 2 Island Boat Cruise
Picture 12 for Activity Malta: Comino, Blue Lagoon & Gozo - 2 Island Boat Cruise
Picture 10 for Activity Malta: Comino, Blue Lagoon & Gozo - 2 Island Boat Cruise
Picture 5 for Activity Malta: Comino, Blue Lagoon & Gozo - 2 Island Boat Cruise

馬耳他:Comino、Blue Lagoon 和 Gozo - 2 Island Boat Cruise

供應商:Hornblower Cruises
4.7 分,滿分 5 分
  • 行動兌換券
  • 立即獲得確認
  • 在藍色潟湖令人驚嘆的清澈海水中游泳和浮潛
  • 巡航時拍攝洞穴和景點的精美照片
  • 在 3 小時的停留期間,乘坐小巴或獨自探索戈佐島的主要景點
  • 在我們的上層甲板上拉出一把躺椅,曬曬你的棕褐色皮膚
  • 從 10 米滑梯滑入碧綠的海水


    • Blue Lagoon
    • Comino, Malta


    • IMPORTANT: The departure point has moved due to construction. This is updated on the supplier's website and in the meeting point on your ticket but taxi drivers and other locals are not yet accustomed to the change. Please make sure you give them the correct address which is 24, Triq San Geraldu, St Pauls Bay. This location is situated right behind LOA restaurant. Look for a big white and blue boat with Hornblower written in red on the side located right behind Loa Restaurant. Try to be at the boat at least 45 minutes to an hour before to avoid any added stress If you are traveling by local bus there are three bus stops within walking distance called Parades, Bandieri, and Toni. If you are traveling by car, parking spaces are available on the road free of charge in the white boxes. There is also a little parking area by the stop. If you are traveling by taxi, please make sure the driver has the correct address.
    • San Pawl il-Baħar, Malta


抱歉,無法預訂 6 月 5 日 (三)的活動


  • 詳細資料詳細資料往返郵輪
  • 詳細資料詳細資料 全體人員
  • 詳細資料詳細資料 在藍色潟湖停留 1.5 小時
  • 詳細資料詳細資料 在戈佐停留 3 小時
  • 詳細資料詳細資料 10m 長滑梯
  • 詳細資料詳細資料 躺椅(數量有限)
  • 詳細資料詳細資料 儲物櫃(數量有限)
  • 包含內容包含內容午餐(可在船上購買的食物和飲料)
  • 包含內容包含內容 戈佐島上的小巴/長途汽車接送服務(€5 上車時以現金支付)
  • 包含內容包含內容 在藍色潟湖乘坐快艇(€15 以現金支付給代表)
  • 包含內容包含內容 浮潛設備(自新冠疫情以來不再租用)


與凱文船長和他的船員一起踏上難忘的遊船之旅,遊覽科米諾島和戈佐島。從 Bugibba 碼頭出發,駛過馬耳他北部海岸,近距離拍攝高高的岩石懸崖、海灣、自然形成的岩層和洞穴的驚人照片。
經過歷史地標,如聖保羅群島和公元 60 年在馬耳他遭遇海難的巨大聖保羅雕像。進入 Ahrax 和 Santa Maria 洞穴,在盡可能近的地方停下來拍攝一些令人難以置信的照片。在整個旅程中,凱文船長將對所有景點進行現場解說,包括一些歷史和文化信息。
然後,在著名的藍色潟湖享受 1.5 小時的停留,這個地方被一些人描述為天堂。憑藉其柔滑的白色沙灘和清澈的海水,無法抗拒在這裡暢遊。在令人難以置信的清澈水中游泳、滑行或跳入,或者下船前往海灘。
在科米諾島逗留期間,留在船上並使用其眾多設施。在上層陽光甲板享受日光浴,在主甲板陰涼的座位上放鬆一下,使用 10 米滑梯,或者下船前往小沙灘。
在科米諾逗留之後,駛向戈佐島。享受 3 小時的空閒時間探索島嶼。乘坐當地巴士或當天付費可方便地轉乘至維多利亞州首府戈佐島,第二站 Xlendi 灣。

在戈佐島 3 小時後返回港口,繼續乘船通過科米諾的南航道返回馬耳他。在返回馬耳他之前,經過水晶潟湖、海蝕洞和聖瑪麗塔。



    • Blue Lagoon
    • Comino, Malta


    • IMPORTANT: The departure point has moved due to construction. This is updated on the supplier's website and in the meeting point on your ticket but taxi drivers and other locals are not yet accustomed to the change. Please make sure you give them the correct address which is 24, Triq San Geraldu, St Pauls Bay. This location is situated right behind LOA restaurant. Look for a big white and blue boat with Hornblower written in red on the side located right behind Loa Restaurant. Try to be at the boat at least 45 minutes to an hour before to avoid any added stress If you are traveling by local bus there are three bus stops within walking distance called Parades, Bandieri, and Toni. If you are traveling by car, parking spaces are available on the road free of charge in the white boxes. There is also a little parking area by the stop. If you are traveling by taxi, please make sure the driver has the correct address.
    • San Pawl il-Baħar, Malta