Hällåkra: Cycling or Hiking with wine tasting
Picture 3 for Activity Hällåkra: Cycling or Hiking with wine tasting
Picture 4 for Activity Hällåkra: Cycling or Hiking with wine tasting
Picture 1 for Activity Hällåkra: Cycling or Hiking with wine tasting
Picture 2 for Activity Hällåkra: Cycling or Hiking with wine tasting


供應商:Travelshop AB
價格為 NT$2,858 每位成人
  • 可免費取消
  • 行動兌換券
  • 立即獲得確認
  • 看到不可忽視的風景
  • 品嚐最好的斯堪尼亞小吃
  • 享受鄉村的景色和新鮮的空氣


    • Malmö
    • Malmö, Skåne län, Sweden


    • Before you start your journey you will have to pick-up your bike at Travelshop Malmö. Malmö central station, Malmö C is a railway station and one of the major hubs for the city's public transport. From here, many people commute every day to and from other locations around southern Sweden. Trains have been running to and from the neighboring city of Lund since 1856, which is famous for its old university and beautiful cathedral. The central station was completed in 1858, but large parts of it were destroyed in a fire in 1866. The newer parts of the central station are from 2010, when the City Tunnel was completed, which connects the city with the Öresund Bridge. When you have left the hectic city life in Malmö behind, the journey takes you towards Svedala. Along the road in Svedala, the landscape is slightly hilly and the possibilities for scenic rest stops are countless.
    • Malmö, Skåne län, Sweden


  • 開放時間:週六 09:00 - 17:00
  • 英語
NT$2,858 x 1 位成人NT$2,858

價格為 NT$2,858
6 月 7 日 (五)前


  • 詳細資料詳細資料預訂自行車
  • 詳細資料詳細資料 24 公交/火車卡
  • 詳細資料詳細資料 數字地圖和打印
  • 詳細資料詳細資料 瑞典南部小吃和葡萄酒
  • 包含內容包含內容其他食品和飲料


  • 不適合:孕婦


對於每個人來說,這都是在斯堪尼亞風景中騎車度過的美好週末,騎車穿過繁茂的草地,呼吸新鮮空氣,朝著 Hällåkra 葡萄園的目標騎行。Hällåkra 葡萄園位於斯科訥南部,風景秀麗的內陸南坡與 Söderslätt 交匯處。
Hällåkra Vingård 由 Hansson 家族第五代所有,如今種植面積約為 6.5 公頃,面積約為 100 公頃。22,000 株葡萄藤。紅葡萄酒、白葡萄酒、起泡酒和甜葡萄酒都是用這些葡萄酒生產的。在這裡您可以踏上一段旅程,參觀葡萄酒生產背後的手工工作。在葡萄園中輕鬆漫步,品嚐採用有機方法種植的優質葡萄酒。
計劃:首先在馬爾默 C 中心領取自行車,在那裡您還將收到有關遊覽的信息和地圖。當您遠離馬爾默繁忙的城市生活後,旅程將帶您前往斯維達拉。斯維達拉 (Svedala) 的道路沿線有丘陵地貌,風景優美的休息站有無數的可能性。值得探索的景點是 14 世紀的 Lindholmens 城堡遺址。城堡位於博林格斯湖 (Lake Börringesjön) 西北岸附近。如今,它是一座綠草如茵的小山,但從前,這座廢墟是一座重要的紅磚防禦建築,有核心塔、角塔和 18 米高的門樓。城堡位於濕地中央,有雙護城河和堅固的環牆。今天,我們已經可以辨別出護城河曾經在哪裡了。還有一個信息板,其中包含有關保釋的更多事實。
在 Börringesjön 以西的 Lindholmens 城堡廢墟上,所謂的瑪格麗特女王花園裡有許多古樹。這里風景多樣,山毛櫸森林、田野和牧場交替出現。Börringecloster 是另一個不容錯過的景點,該修道院建於 12 世紀,是一座本篤會修女修道院。城堡不對外開放,但是趁機去位於城堡旁邊的 Börringe 的 Anitas,一起買點咖啡,或者當場買咖啡。他們還有一個舒適的農場商店和藝術展覽。
當您準備好探索斯維達拉地區時,就該前往 Hällåkra 酒莊,在這裡您將品嚐葡萄酒並享用斯堪尼亞小吃,這是結束美妙旅程的絕佳方式。從 Hällåkra 到 Svedala 車站的自行車道,然後穿過美麗的山毛櫸森林,然後您可以在那裡乘坐火車返回馬爾默。
此體驗也可以預訂為不騎自行車的徒步旅行,您可以選擇。在這種情況下,您從馬爾默中央火車站乘坐火車到斯維達拉,步行約 5.6 公里即可到達 Hällåkra 葡萄園。
套餐 1 騎行 850 kr
套餐 2 徒步 750 kr
如果您選擇徒步前往 Hällåkra,您可以乘坐公共交通工具前往 Anderslöv,然後從那裡開始步行。



    • Malmö
    • Malmö, Skåne län, Sweden


    • Before you start your journey you will have to pick-up your bike at Travelshop Malmö. Malmö central station, Malmö C is a railway station and one of the major hubs for the city's public transport. From here, many people commute every day to and from other locations around southern Sweden. Trains have been running to and from the neighboring city of Lund since 1856, which is famous for its old university and beautiful cathedral. The central station was completed in 1858, but large parts of it were destroyed in a fire in 1866. The newer parts of the central station are from 2010, when the City Tunnel was completed, which connects the city with the Öresund Bridge. When you have left the hectic city life in Malmö behind, the journey takes you towards Svedala. Along the road in Svedala, the landscape is slightly hilly and the possibilities for scenic rest stops are countless.
    • Malmö, Skåne län, Sweden