North-West District

North-West District

Popular cities in North-West District

Known for Natural parks, Monuments and Nature
Trip time! Discover the parks and monuments in Moremi.

Reasons to visit

  • Moremi Game Reserve
Sleeping off last nights kill! Came back later in the day and he had moved up into the tree!
Selinda Reserve
Known for Safaris, UNESCO site and Hills
Love safaris, UNESCO sites, and adventures? Get away to Selinda Reserve!

Reasons to visit

  • Vumbura Plain
This Nile Crocodile was not all that happy with us passing by in the small boat we were in, very glad he stayed there lol. This was in the Okavango Delta in Botswana. on a trip from Gunns camp. If you want to talk about this area of the world or just about travel I am always happy too chat. I blog at circlinbgthebucketlist,.com
Known for Safaris, Tours and Camping
Maun is calling! Discover its safaris, camping, parks, and more.
Okavango Delta
Okavango Delta
Known for Nature
Trip time! Discover the natural setting in Okavango Delta.
Known for Nature and Natural parks
Xakanaxa awaits: its natural setting and more!