Buonconsiglio Castle Tours

Castello del Buonconsiglio showing a park

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Examine the spectacular frescoes of the Eagle Tower and peruse the works of art and historical artifacts in the museum of this castle complex.

The Castello del Buonconsiglio is a museum castle where the prince-bishops of the region resided for many centuries. It comprises several buildings from various eras of their stay, which lasted from the 13th through the 18th centuries. Gaze up at the impressive site of this castle, posed on an elevated part of the city center.

Admire the Castelvecchio at the core of the complex. It is the oldest section of the castle, acting as the seat of the Bishop of Trent until the late 1700s. Marvel at the Renaissance flair of the Magno Palazzo, which is from the 16th century. Between these historic buildings lie majestic gardens and sculptures.

Enter the buildings and admire the Baroque furnishings that make up the castle. Ascend to higher levels for a vantage point allowing views of the whole of Trento. Gaze up at the intricate ceilings and see the colorful wall frescoes that highlight the castle’s present glamor.

Explore the structure’s comprehensive museum, which features collections of art, manuscripts and relics of archeological interest. Intriguing displays include Egyptian artifacts, wooden sculptures, bronze medals and medieval art. Enter the Eagle Tower for its marvelous frescoes, such as the 15th-century Gothic Cycle of the Months, showing changes throughout a year.

Learn the history of this intricate complex, which dates back to the 1200s. Legends say the castle connected to the city cathedral via underground tunnels, allowing the prince-bishops to travel discreetly between the two pillars of Trento.

Hear how the castle was later used as military barracks, before becoming a jail and later falling into disrepair. It has held the Castello del Buonconsiglio Museum since the early 1970s.

There is a fee to enter the museum, with discounts for kids. It opens Tuesday through Sunday from morning until early evening. Access the Eagle Tower for a small additional fee.

Arrive at Trento Railway Station and walk east for less than 10 minutes to reach the Castello del Buonconsiglio. It is within easy reach of several bus stops in the central district of the city. Visit nearby landmarks, such as the public gardens and the Trento Cathedral.

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