Los Ríos Region

Southern Chile

Popular cities in Los Ríos Region

Escape to Valdivia! Enjoy its riverfront, adventures, and parks.

Reasons to visit

  • Southern University of Chile Botanical Garden
A lakeside view to the #volcano Villarica close to the small town Panguipulli
Known for Natural parks, Adventure and Mountains
Trip time! Discover the parks, adventure, and beaches in Panguipulli.

Reasons to visit

  • Termas Geometricas
Comenzando el día de trekking hacia piedras quemadas.
Lago Ranco
Known for Natural parks
Explore Lago Ranco: its parks and more!

Reasons to visit

  • Futangue Park
Southern Chile
Los Lagos
Explore attractions like Lake Rinihue and Mocho-Choshuenco Volcano as you discover things to see and do in Los Lagos.
Known for Culture, Monuments and Historical
Explore Corral: its culture, monuments, history, and more!